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January 11, 2023

JD Supra featured an article by Sal Gangemi and Alyssa Ferreone originally posted on Murtha's Employment Law blog on what Connecticut’s expanded Clean Slate Law means for employers. 

As the article notes, on January 1, Connecticut Public Act No. 21-32, the “Clean Slate” law expanded protections for applicants and employees with criminal records.

Employers are prohibited from requesting information about, making hiring decisions based on, or discriminating or discharging employees based on criminal records that have been erased.

The new law allows for erasure of criminal convictions depending on the classification of conviction and the date on which the judgment of conviction was entered.

Eligible offenses include most misdemeanors, most class D and E felonies, and most unclassified felonies with a possible prison sentence of five years or less.

Read the full article.

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