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July 24, 2023

By: Andy I. Corea and Lorey Rives Leddy

Intellectual Property partner and firm Managing Partner Andy Corea and Litigation counsel Lorey Leddy recently co-authored an article on the risks of copyright infringement for The Alliance for Nonprofit Growth & Opportunity (TANGO) July 2023 Partner Perspective. 

In the article, Andy and Lorey explore the uptick in the number of Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations receiving notices of copyright infringement from owners of copyrighted materials (usually photographs or music) which have been used or displayed on an organization’s website without a license.

They provide practical information for what tax-exempt organizations should do when they receive one of these notices, including determining whether the notice is legitimate and when to seek legal advice and, more generally, understanding the risks of copyright infringement claims and taking steps to mitigate those risks where possible.

Murtha Cullina has been a longtime supporter of TANGO, which aims to creates partnerships between nonprofit and for-profit organizations to drive innovation, create cost savings and deliver mission advancement.

Read Andy and Lorey's article on risks of copyright infringement for tax-exempt organizations

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